I don't like transformation

Since the start of the year I have been delving deeper into the world of change management and looking at different approaches for improving finance functions. And my conclusion is that I don’t like transformation: the word not the process.

What’s the problem? It makes it seem too easy. Transformation sounds like you click your fingers and hey presto! Everything is sorted. The reality of transformational change is that it is a slow road. Lots of small steps take people on the journey from an out-of-touch finance team to a well connected one. Yes, if you compare the before and after over a period of years the shape and performance of the finance function can and will be radically different but, like evolution, it maybe hard to spot the differences between one week and the next.

Bellevue Partners help finance functions improve their performance by strengthening their connections with the rest of the organisation. Get in touch to find out whether we can help your finance function.


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